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Our Process

You place your order

Your order is placed and is added to our queue for review. If your order is rejected, we never charge your card. This typically takes 1-2 days.

We pitch your song

We start pitching your song to our playlist network. Curators review your song and decide if they want to share it. This typically takes 3-5 days.

Your song is placed

The curator(s) add your song to their playlist(s) and keep it there until your campaign goal is reached. Songs typically stay on for 2-8 weeks.


Please read our FAQs page to find out more.

How do you guarantee streams?

We're able to estimate stream count based on previous campaigns, information from curators, specific songs we have Spotify for Artists access to and 3rd party tools. However it's not a perfect science.

This is why the range is so large on our packages. We don't promise an exact stream count, we promise a range. Every so often we might get things wrong, so please contact us if we ended your campaign early.

Do all songs get approved?

When you place your order we start sending the song to our curators. If we can secure enough approvals, we charge your card and move forward with the campaign.

If we can't secure any placements we cancel your order and never charge your card.

What is your no-charge policy?

We do not charge your credit card until we have approved your campaign. We do this by placing a 7-day payment authorization, and if we are unable to approve your campaign we cancel it and your card is never charged.

How long will my campaign run?

Overall our playlist promotions last 1-3 months depending on campaign size, genre and availability in our playlist network.

Is this safe?

Every curator in our network is vetted. We check their playlists monthly with tools like Chartmetric and Artist.Tools, and we communicate with them regularly.

We take botting and artificial streaming very seriously. If you feel you were added to a questionable list through us, please contact us so we can investigate.

Looking for more?

If you're looking to run any of the services on here with larger budgets of $3k and up, apply to work with Forbid Media.

If you're looking for a longer term arrangement with more custom or advanced solutions, apply to our Partner Program. With our Partner Program we can do the following:

  • Run through your ad accounts, socials, landing pages etc.
  • Have regular Zoom calls at a pace that makes sense for you.
  • Create a custom strategy, incorporating almost anything you need help with.

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us